How to help babies get used to Kidvak

Kidvak_piknik_00041 - kópia

The environment that kidvak creates is natural for the child. For them, in the joint, warm and rocking movement is a memory of their mother's belly. But sometimes he may need a little help.

Here are some practical tips for you:

- It helps the baby to feel close to mom. Take your used pajamas and put them to your baby's face so that he can smell your scent. Pajamas so that you don't smell deodorant or perfume unnecessarily on a piece of clothing. However, the choice is yours. Put it more on the hairline and forehead than the nose and make sure the baby can breathe freely and don't leave it unattended all the time.

- Sit on the chair near the kidvak, make yourself comfortable and put your hand on the baby's body, or take the child's hand and gently rock it. He doesn't feel the same and knows that you are there for him.

- Singing or humming a familiar voice creates a sense of security.

- do not put a crying child in the kidvak, so that it does not associate negative associations with it. When the children purred from tiredness, we put them there and put them to sleep. However, it is different to let the child cry - we would not advise anyone to do that under any circumstances, or to let him run amok. We trust that you know your baby and will sense the appropriateness of the situation.

- If the kidvak did not fit the baby the first time, do not give up and try it again in a few days. Babies change every day, and a kidvak can save your nerves in as little as a week. :)

You won't have to do these techniques all the time, it's enough for a period of getting used to them. The baby will understand that the hook is a safe place where he will enjoy swinging and pinning, and everything will work much easier.