Growing Kidvak Herbal

The growing Kidvak is the only baby hammock on the market that adapts to the size of your baby. Thanks to the straps, you can easily pull it down and reduce it to the size for a newborn or gradually expand it up to a size of 130 cm, where even a kindergartener can fit.

Kidvak is a baby cradle - a baby hammock that adapts perfectly to the needs of the child.

The child is in a position that is absolutely natural and reminds him of the sweet times in his mother's belly.

It is suitable both for falling asleep and for all day sleep. You can just put the child to sleep in the cradle and then transfer him to the bed or crib.

An excellent way to get the baby out of the sling or carrier. If the baby wakes up, it can easily be put back to sleep.

The growing Kidvak Natural differs from other kidvaks in that it is made of one, but very strong, layer of fabric. It is a special, diagonally woven cotton, which is further strengthened by this method of weaving.

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Delivery offer
In stock (2 pcs)
228 € –17 % 188 € 179,05 € excl. VAT
Category: Kidvaks
Warranty: 2 years
Materiál Kidvaku: 100% bavlna
Vložka do Kidvaku: 100% ovčia vlna
Možnosť vrátiť do 60 dní: áno
Free delivery
Free delivery
for all growing Kidvacs to the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Quick sleep from baby
Quick sleep from baby
up to kindergarten
Hand sewn
Hand sewn
from the best materials
Made in Slovakia in Europe
Made in Slovakia in Europe
persons with disabilities

Kidvak is a baby cradle - a baby hammock that perfectly adapts to the needs of the child.

The child is in a position that is absolutely natural and reminds him of the sweet times in his mother's belly.

It is suitable both for falling asleep and for all day sleep. You can just put the child to sleep in the cradle and then transfer him to the bed or crib.

An excellent way to get the baby out of the sling or carrier. If the baby wakes up, it can easily be put back to sleep.


What you will find in the package

• Textile Kidvak

• Insole made of sheep's wool, which has thermoregulating and antibacterial properties. If sheep's wool does not suit you, you can choose a washable hollow fiber insert as a substitute. Just put it in a note.

• Wooden rod

• 2 carabiners

• 2 pcs of springs,

with a load capacity from 3 kg to 15 kg
with a load capacity from 8 kg to 25 kg
• Safety wire

• Spring sleeve

• Carrying case

• Instructions


Simple maintenance
• Kidvak can be washed in the washing machine at 40º (gentle program) and dried in the dryer.

• The sheep wool insert can be washed by hand or in a hand washing machine at a low temperature. We recommend using a wool product with lanolin.


Fast installation

You can attach Kidvak by hanging it from the ceiling or on a special structure that is attached to a door or wall. There are also separate stands. The stand and anchoring to the ceiling are not part of the package.


Always read the instructions for use before using kidvak. Make sure to use the safety wire correctly!



Piknik s Kidvakom

Unboxing Kidvaku

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VG Avatar of author | 01/01/2025
Maximalna spokojnosť! Náš syn to miluje ❤️
P Avatar of author | 09/07/2024
Tento zazrak nam zachranil ruky, chrbticu a asi aj psychiku :D Objednavali sme ho pre nasho 4 mesacneho prcka, ktory cez den pospal niekedy len pol hodiny. Uz sme boli zufali, pretoze sme skusili snad vsetko, no nic nezaberalo a tak sme mali vsetci nervy nadranc. Objednali sme teda kidvak a s malou dusickou sme dufali, ze nam "tota plachcina" zaberie... Hned ako sme do neho prcka nalozili, tak do par minut odkvecol. HEUREEEKA! Pomaly slzy v ociach od radosti :-D Vdaka kidvaku sme sa dopracovali ku styrom spankom denne a nase zufalstvo pominulo. Nehovoriac o tom ze komunikacia s predajcom bola tip top a kidvak prisiel dokonca pripraveny na pouzitie, takze uz len trebalo navrtat uchyt do stropu a zavesit. Nedavno sme si k nemu kupili aj motorcek na hojdanie a tak sa nam uvolnili aj ruky a maly tam vie pospat aj dve hodiny vkuse. Odporucame vsetkymi desiatimi! A hlavne dakujeme!
D Avatar of author | 04/06/2024
Kidvak sme kúpili pre naše vtedy 3,5 mesačné bábo a hneď sa ujal. Najprv sme uspávali trošku dlhšie a spal 30 minút, no po pár dňoch sa to ustálilo. Dĺžka uspávania sa výrazne skrátila a predĺžil sa spánok. Ako 4 mesačný v ňom pospí aj 3 hodiny a to je už do povedať. Doposiaľ spal len na rukách alebo v nosiči. Úžasná vec je ten KIDVAK 😉

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